If you have ever wanted to study abroad but were hesitant
because you felt you didn’t have time or that it wouldn’t work
into your major, you’re in luck! EducationAbroad will be coming
in to talk about several great opportunities available for pre-
med students to study outside of the country. We will be
meeting in Armory 0126 at 5:30 PM.
Also, this Saturday, March 12th Pre-Med society members will be
able to volunteer at Terp Thon, a 12 hour long dance marathon
where students dance for 12 hours straight to raise money for
Children’s Miracle Network. Volunteers will hand out food to
participants and give encouragement to the dancers throughout
the event. You can sign up for as many 2-hour shifts as you want
on Blackboard. TerpThon will be at Ritchie Coliseum and starts
at 12PM.