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"Katerina V. Thompson" <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 7 Mar 2011 13:41:37 -0500
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June 11-18, 2011
University of California, Berkeley

Applications due March 15, 2011
Applications and Reference Forms:

The University of California, Berkeley is pleased to announce its 2011 Explorations in Science Research Workshop (see attached PDF). The one-week program will be held on the UC Berkeley campus from June 11-19, 2011.

The Explorations Workshop is aimed at rising juniors or seniors. Our workshops are designed so students can explore research in different scientific fields, discover their own interests, and be encouraged to attend graduate school in science. The 2011 workshop offers students opportunities to engage directly with UC Berkeley scientists producing research that will inform policy to meet the challenges of energy use and climate change.

A key goal of this program is to increase access to the graduate level in the physical and mathematical sciences for students from groups historically underrepresented in these fields.

Quantitatively-inclined undergraduates who are interested in computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, statistics, engineering, or behavioral and social sciences majors are all encouraged to apply. Participants will receive support for travel expenses, and full room & board.

Basic eligibility requirements include: U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status; minimum freshman level calculus and physics background; basic quantitative skills; a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. Women and underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. This program is made possible by funding from the National Science Foundation.

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