Do you like to help others learn material in the sciences? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of UM students? Do you want to enrich your own knowledge of science in preparation for the MCAT‚s? Do you want to develop your teaching skills?
If so, why not apply to become a Guided Study Session Leader in the Fall 2011 Semester?
The Learning Assistance Service of the University of Maryland Counseling Center is seeking applications for Guided Study Session leaders for BSCI105, 106, 201, 202, 207, and 222; CHEM131, 135, 231, and 241; MATH 111; PHYS121 and122 for the Fall 2011 semester. Application material can be found at For best consideration students should apply by May 2, 2011.
GSS Leaders facilitate group study sessions for selected UM courses. The leader, who has previously performed well in the course (B+ or better), functions as a "model student." GSS leaders need to be able to attend the Biology, Chemistry, Math or Physics course for which they would be a session leader. The leader holds review sessions for all interested students to formulate and discover answers to their questions by using collaborative and group study strategies. Training is provided to GSS leaders throughout their time with the program.
First semester GSS leader requirements:
* attend the course connected with the GSS (e.g., CHEM131)
* facilitate 2, 1-hour GSS review sessions per week
* prepare for each GSS session and submit weekly lesson plans
* enter GSS session attendance in computerized database
* enroll in EDCP318N: Leadership in collaborative learning groups (3-credits)<>
After completing the requirements of EDCP318N, GSS leaders are eligible to receive a paid stipend in their second semester of GSS service.
For more information, contact Dr. Marcy Marinelli, Director, Learning Assistance Service at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or 301-314-7693.