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David Tovar <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 6 May 2012 21:34:44 -0400
text/plain (21 lines)
The Maryland Vision Science lab s currently doing a study on object
recognition with MEG. We will have several slots available all week. If you
are available and interested, please send an email to
[log in to unmask] Participants will be  paid $15-20 for studies
ranging from 1.5-2hrs.

Here are details about our study...

We run subjects in a magnetoencephalography (MEG) scanner which serves as a
passive means (no electrical pulses like with an MRI) of measuring your
neural activity. We are particularly interested in measuring the neural
activity that results from visual stimuli. During the task we will ask you
to categorize different pictures by pressing two different buttons while
you're in the scanner. Since the scanner runs on magnetic fields, we ask
subjects to remove all metal before they enter the scanner. For girls this
includes wired bras, so we ask that you wear a sports bra or equivalent on
the day of the study. This also means that having braces, metal fillings,
or any other permanent metal fixtures disqualifies your from participating.
Monetary compensation ranges from $15-$20 depending on performance on the
experimental behavioral task.