Daily eNews for CMNS Students


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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 27 Oct 2011 19:02:10 -0400
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Have you ever thought about mixing Adventure with Culture? Social Responsibility with cutting edge Education?

The GREEN Educational Adventure Programs in Costa Rica offer a unique way to satisfy your intellectual curiosity while experiencing unforgettable adventures, gaining a cultural experience, and giving back to the community though socially responsible projects.

The Programs in Costa Rica are focused on Renewable Energy Education, Adventure, Culture, and Social Responsibility.

The 12-day trip gives students a chance to explore the topics of RENEWABLE ENERGY and SUSTAINABILITY through interactive lectures and exclusive hands-on site visits to functioning power plants, like wind farms and geothermal plants, and residential facilities, such as organic sustainable farms and green-centric housing developments. The benefits of the educational component are enhanced by the excitement of the adventure and cultural excursions that make Costa Rica the epicenter of EcoTourism and travel.

Students who attended this program in the past have cited it as "one of the best experiences of their life". Some have returned to Costa Rica for summer internships in the renewable energy sector. Others applied their experiences to succeed in internships and jobs in the United States.

The Global Renewable Energy Education Network (GREEN) inspires University students to explore the fields of renewable energy and sustainability. In doing so, we aim to assemble motivated collegiate minds in engineering, business, policy, ecology, and other related fields, to spark a flame of though and passion centered around renewable energy, sustainable living, and improved societal standards. Our objective is to do so by pipe-lining these students into the GREEN industry through an intensive educational adventure program.

GREEN is happy to announce the launch of our 2012 Programs! Several programs will take place this year enrolling students from top Universities across the nation.

For more information, please see the "GREEN 2012 Program Package" attached.  To Apply and see further details, such as the curriculum, itinerary and photos from past programs, visit our website at<>

Watch our 2012 Season Preview<> video to see what you can take part in this year.

Want to come with friends? Feel free to contact us for our group rates!

Spots on our Winter Program (January 4-15) are still available and registration for the Summer has begun. Please visit our website<> for more details and to apply!

*Note, this is not a University of Maryland program.