Title: Practice your Japanese and earn $45: Research Project on Second
Language Acquisition
The study involves participation in 4 Japanese learning sessions of about
50-60 minutes each, during which participants will receive the training of
Japanese vocabulary and grammar on computer-based learning
program. Participants will be paid $45: $10 at the end of 1st-3rd sessions
and $15 bonus for the completing the 4th session. The study takes place in
Jimenez 0202.
To participate, you need to satisfy EITHER of the following criteria:
1) took JPN 102 in Spring semester 2012 (you do not need to be enrolled in
Japanese courses now),
2) enrolled in JPN201 now, or
3) those who have equivalent Japanese proficiency to JPN201 level (Please
contact the researcher)
If you are interested in participating, please send an email to
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