Friday, October 7, 2011
2:00 3:30 PM Panel Discussion
1103 Bioscience Research Building
Panel Guests include:
-Patricia Beaston, M.D., Ph.D., B.S. 81 Zoology; Medical Officer, Food and
Drug Administration
-Bob Beazley, M.D., B.S. 59 Zoology; Emeritus Professor Surgery and
Endocrinology, Boston
University School of Medicine
-Mickey Foxwell, M.D., B.S. 75 Zoology; University of Maryland School of
Medicine Associate Dean
for Admissions
-Michael L. Rudolph, D.D.S., B.S. 80 Microbiology; Managing Partner
Dentist, East Center Dental,
Warsaw, Indiana
-Victoria Yorke, M.D., B.S. 82 Biochemistry; Family Practice Physician in
Wisconsin; Benefactor of
the Reed-Yorke Health Professions Advising Office
Dont miss this chance to hear from doctors and dentists about their
experiences what medical
and dental school was like, from the application process to their best, or
worst, day in the program
and what they have learned.