Pre-Pharmacy Society proudly presents....
Our fourth GBM of the semester, featuring Shenandoah University -
Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy! If you are considering or planning
to apply to pharmacy school, here is your opportunity. We will have an
admissions coordinator from Shenandoah University School of Pharmacy
talk to you about how their admissions process will work and what you
need to do to stand out. For those who are interested, the date and
time is listed below. As always, anyone is welcome to come. There will
be snacks available at the beginning of the GBM. We look forward to
seeing you all there!
**Please note: Those who are in attendance for this meeting are
strongly recommended to wear business casual attire.
Where: Margaret Brent B at STAMP
When: November 7th, 2011
Time: 5:00PM - 7:00PM
On Behalf of the Executive Board