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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 16 Jan 2013 13:42:49 +0000
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Alumni Association Chapter annual Undergraduate Summer Research, Travel,
and Educational Enrichment Award

The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS) Alumni
Association Chapter is pleased to sponsor an annual Undergraduate Summer
Research, Travel, and Educational Enrichment Award.

The award is intended for use by undergraduate students within CMNS to
help to defray costs related to conducting research, travelling to field
courses or conferences, or other summer activities that enhance or expand
the student©ös educational and professional development. The award shall
not be used to provide tuition support for regular summer school courses.
We anticipate making several awards of up to $2000 each.  Award recipients
will be invited to an alumni chapter meeting to present a summary of their
funded summer experience.

The fund supported three student experiences in summer 2012: Short courses
in tropical animal science in Belize in support of a the students' goal of
becoming a veterinarian; Conducting research at UMD on the pathogen
Leishmania; and Studying multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Mumbai, India.

Students whose planned summer research or educational activities fall
within the scope of this award are encouraged to apply.  The award is open
to students from all CMNS majors.  For more information about the award,
and how to apply, please see the following website:

All application materials must be submitted by 5 PM on Friday, January 25,
2013.  Applications will be reviewed during February. We anticipate
notifying awardees and announcing decisions by March 1, 2013.