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Amee Raval <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Mar 2012 11:18:51 -0500
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Date: Tuesday March 13th, 2012
Room/Time: Jiminez Room in Stamp Student Union, 5:00pm-6:00pm
DEM presents a special lecture for International World Water Day 2012 on
March 22nd, 2012 in order to focus attention on the importance of
freshwater. Distinguished lecturer Dr. Rita Colwell is Senior Advisor and
Chairman Emeritus of Canon U.S. Life Sciences, and President and CEO of
CosmosID, Inc. She is widely recognized as one of this century’s most
influential voices in science, technology, and policy associated with water
and health. Throughout her career, Dr. Colwell has bridged the forefront of
science and technology with a lifelong dedication to craft practical
solutions to provide access to clean drinking water and protect human and
ecosystem health. She has helped create and lead the study of
bioinformatics, a field that combines biology, computer science, and
information technology and has exponentially advanced the understanding,
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of many genetic diseases. The first
woman to serve as Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) from
1998 to 2004, in 2000, she was inducted into the United States National
Academy of Sciences. Currently, Dr. Colwell is developing an international
network to address emerging infectious diseases and water issues, including
safe drinking water for both the developed and developing world. In this
lecture, she will be speaking about global infectious diseases, water, and

B.S. Environmental Science & Policy
B.S. Physiology & Neurobiology
Minor in Global Poverty
University of Maryland 2013
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