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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Mar 2012 09:42:47 -0400
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Hello Students,
You are invited to the first Mid-Atlantic Chapter of Society of Cosmetic Chemists meeting of the year, which will be held in College Park, MD next Wednesday, March 28th.  

We will tour the FDA Office of Cosmetics and Colors Division of Colors Certification and Technology (OCAC-DCCT) Lab Facility at 3:00 pm and then reconvene for dinner at Moose Creek Steakhouse at 5:00 pm.   
Our host for the OCAC-DCCT Lab Facility tour will be Ms. Naomi Richfield-Fratz (Chief, Colors Certification Branch)
Mrs. Kapal Dewan from FDA's Office of Cosmetics and Colors will give a presentation on "Nanotechnology in Cosmetics:  An FDA Perspective."   
**  For the FDA tour, all participants must go through the routine security check procedures for building entrance. Government-issued identification (i.e., driver’s license, passport) will be required. Cameras and recording equipment are not permitted through security. FDA personnel will be available to escort you from the security checkpoint to the labs. 
The cost will be $45.00 for Members and Nonmembers. The Paypal link below will let you pay for the event. Students are FREE! Interested students should email Mike Mollman for more details and to register for this event:[log in to unmask] 

FDA Tour and Talk

Here are the directions: 

FDA CFSAN Lab (3:00 pm)           
CFSAN University Station            
5100 Paint Branch Parkway        
College Park, MD  20740              
Moose Creek Steakhouse (5:30 pm) 
Holiday Inn
10000 Baltimore Avenue
College Park, MD  20740

For more information on the Society of Cosmetic Chemists, please see
We hope to see you there!