Looking for a Federal Work Study Job in Graphic Design or IT? Interested in
Asian American Studies? Well today's your lucky day! Submit your cover
letter, resume, and sample works (if applicable) by Friday, September 14 to
Grace Lee, Program Coordinator at the Asian American Studies Program (AAST)
at [log in to unmask]
Check out our website (www.aast.umd.edu), facebook page (
www.facebook.com/aastumd), or below for more information!
Graphic Design Assistant Guidelines: Experience with marketing and
publicity, experience with desktop publishing, familiarity with Adobe
Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator (required), and excellent
interpersonal skills.
IT Assistant Guidelines: Able to troubleshoot technical issues, working
knowledge of Wordpress, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, and JQuery, and strong
technical, communication, and interpersonal skills.
Students must be eligible for Federal Work Study and able to work 10-20
hours per week.