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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 May 2013 12:46:35 +0000
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PHIL 256: Philosophy of Biology I
Lindley Darden, Fall 2013, TTH 12:30-1:45
email: darden at
Explore conceptual issues in evolutionary theory, genetics, and in the
discovery of the Watson-Crick model of the double helix structure of DNA.
Consider the ethical implications, if any, of recent work in genetics.
Questions to be addressed: Are genes selfish? What kind of reasoning do
scientists use in discovering a new model? Should scientists use other's
data without their permission? Should parents be allowed to choose the sex
of their child?  Should cloning be allowed?  The student should have good
analytical and writing skills to use in doing critical thinking and
writing. The course is a combination of lecture, discussion, and group
projects. Some knowledge of biology, especially evolutionary theory and
genetics, is desirable, but not required.
Hist 404 History of Modern Biology
Phil 458B, Phil 688B, Topics in Philosophy of Science
Fall 2013, TTH 3:30-4:45,  Skinner 1115
History and Philosophy of Modern Biology
Instructor: Lindley Darden
office: 1102A; Skinner; phone: 301-405-5699
email: darden at
            This is a combined history and philosophy of modern biology
course. The historical cases to be examined are nineteenth and twentieth
century evolutionary theory, Mendelian genetics, molecular biology,
genomics and post genomics. Readings include both primary and secondary
historical sources, as well as readings on philosophical issues raised by
the biological cases. Participation in class discussions is expected. This
course is appropriate for history, philosophy, and biological science
majors, science journalists, and biology teachers. Some knowledge of
biology will be helpful. Graduate students who wish to take the course at
the 600 level should contact the instructor; additional requirements apply.