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Wed, 10 Oct 2012 09:21:37 -0400
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Eric Schurr <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
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The premier, all-hands-on-deck, full-audience participation university event for discovering and advancing entrepreneurship and innovation!

DATE: October 12, 2012
TIME: 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
LOCATION: Colony Ballroom, Stamp Student Union, University of Maryland
Free to UMD students, faculty and staff; $75 for others.

The Startup Boot Camp is a one-day event for entrepreneurs and innovators of all shapes and sizes. Have an idea? We will help you advance it. Want to bounce ideas off of experts? They will be there in droves. Want to join a team, learn about fundraising and intellectual property, or just explore all of the wonderful resources UMD has to offer for entrepreneurs? Then this is the event for you. Everyone and everything UMD has to offer entrepreneurs will be in one place. Don't miss it!

Boot Camp's Three Thrusts 
(pick one or visit all three!): Study Hall, Innovation Fridays, and Informal Startup Fundamentals Study Groups

Study Hall: Crowd-Sourced Idea Iteration

Study hall is where you pitch your idea, your specific needs, and who you’d like to connect with. You or your team will be assigned a table and your idea and needs will be highlighted on the big board to direct interested and relevant people in the audience to your table to connect with you, provide customer validation and feedback, and just generally iterate and refine your idea. Real-time tracking of which study hall tables are generating the most “buzz” will also be highlighted on the big board with the top ideas pitching at the end of the day for the $500 in prize money and two President’s Suite basketball tickets.

To be eligible for the awards and to officially enroll in Study Hall, you must be one of the first 30 people or teams to present in the Morning Study Hall Pitch, take part in the 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Study Hall, and advance to the final Afternoon Study Hall Pitch. All others are invited to participate in Study Hall by listening to all the morning pitches and then interacting with the Study Hall teams. See Agenda page for more details.

(Inaugural) Innovation Fridays: Where All Ideas Are Welcome

Innovation Office Hours and Pitch Dingman come together to launch Innovation Fridays for everyone! No idea is too new or too crazy. We will have experts from across the university and the region available to give you advice, no matter what your idea is or how far along you are. You will have individual meetings to discuss your ideas 1-on-1. We will offer you free and impartial advice, brainstorm business strategies, investigate funding opportunities, discover new research avenues, find funding and learn about the additional resources available to researchers and entrepreneurs. Innovation Fridays are geared towards people who may not be ready to put their ideas up on the big board for Study Hall.

Informal Startup Fundamentals Study Groups

Don't have an idea and just want to learn? Visit the Boot Camp's informal study tables, available throughout the day. Learn from expert-led discussions about topics such as the university invention disclosure and licensing process, fundraising, intellectual property, the business model canvas, market research, and taxes. Experts from Mtech, Dingman, OTC, MIPLRC, Public Policy, Center for Social Value Creation, Founder Corps, Fish & Richardson, Nixon Peabody, and many other organizations.

The Boot Camp is FREE to University of Maryland students, faculty and staff. The cost is $49 for all others. Lunch is included.

The Boot Camp is brought to you by the Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute, Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, Office of Technology Commercialization, School of Public Policy, and the Center for Social Value Creation.


Eric Schurr
Director of Communications
Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech)
University of Maryland
(301) 405-3889 work
(301) 867-3110 cell
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