Conceived last year as a one act for Weekday Player's Original Works Project, "Forever Hold Your Peace" marks the first time the The Weekday Players have fully produced a student-written play. The show is set at a beautiful and historic southern mansion by the water; there are lights strung up on the patio, and everything is in place for Erin's wedding. An overbearing mother stands as the only potential threat to a perfect ceremony until an old friend makes a sudden and unannounced appearance...
Come celebrate the landmark, support your friends, and be the first to see this beautifully crafted show finally reach the stage.
2/9 at 7:00pm
2/10 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm
Cafritz Theatre
Tickets are $7.00 and can be purchased from the CSPAC box office. We hope to see you there!