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Maryland Filmmakers <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 28 Jan 2014 18:15:59 -0500
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*Welcome back Maryland Filmmakers Club!! *

We hope you all had a great winter break filled with creative ideas for new
film projects, or at least binge watching some good movies on Netflix. I'm
Zack Burkett and I have the honor of acting as your Secretary this
semester. Last semester was MDFC's most successful yet, and we're looking
forward to making this semester even better. Get excited everybody!

Here are a couple of important announcements of which our lovely president,
Alex Oshiro, would like you all to be aware:

*-* This semester we're planning to implement a* brand new* mid-semester
film festival for "short short" films (5 minutes or less) open to the
entire campus. We're looking to make the competition into a large social
event with awards and prizes, to be held after spring break. It should be a
great complement to our usual film festival. Stay tuned for more details!

- Our usual film festival. You know the deal. Start thinking about those
proposals; we can't wait to hear all the new ideas you guys have this
semester. Pitches will be during our second meeting, so get ready!

- Our first meeting will be next* TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th at 7PM* in room *3215
*of the *Art and Sociology Building*. **Please note the room
change!**Further details about pitches and other important info will
be given at the
first meeting, so DEFINITELY be there!

- Other than that, be sure to join the Maryland Filmmakers Club Facebook
group if you haven't already for more important announcements from your
favorite club! If you have any questions, send us an email or drop by our
office in room 0208E of the Stamp Student Involvement Suite. There's a 98%
chance at least one of us will be in there.

Can't wait to work with all you guys! Let's really try to top last semester
and make this one our best EVER. May the Force be with you and see you at
the first meeting!

Zack Burkett
Acting Secretary

Maryland Filmmakers Club

Follow us @MDFilmmakers