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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Mar 2013 19:44:13 +0000
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Interested in helping students learn science?  Considering a career in
K-12 education?  The Noyce Scholars program can pay you a stipend for
³dipping your toes² into education or for entering a teacher certification
program.  Learn more about the Noyce programs Tuesday March 5 at 5pm in
1103BRB.  See you there.

Here are opportunities for summer and fall 2013:
1.  Tutoring: Rising sophomores and juniors can work with students in a
local middle or high school, once a week for about 15 weeks over the
academic year.  Tutors also take a 1-credit seminar to learn tutoring
strategies and share experiences.  You will receive $600 for the year.
2.  Summer Internships:  Rising sophomores and juniors can do
education-related summer paid internships at local organizations including
the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) and the American Physical Society Office of Education and Outreach.
Or, you could work with the Physics Education Research Group or the
Biology Education Research Group here on campus.  Or, you can craft your
own internship!  Interns receive $3000 for working 6 weeks over the
3.  Teacher certification program - Noyce Scholars:  Noyce Scholars
receive $17,000 per year while enrolled in an undergraduate-level (or
BA/MA-level) teacher certification program in science. For each year of
scholarship support, Noyce Scholars must teach for two years in Prince
George¹s County Public Schools or other high-needs schools
Joelle Presson, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean
Undergraduate Academic Programs
College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences
University of Maryland
1322 Symons Hall
College Park, MD  20742