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UMD AMSA <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 12 Apr 2015 23:17:21 -0400
text/plain (47 lines)
Thank you to all the donors and volunteers that came out last
Monday!  Without all your help and support, we would not have had another
successful blood drive!

Anyways, since our last general body meeting was canceled last Tuesday, we
will be holding a *bonus meeting* this upcoming *Tuesday, April 14th
*in *Benjamin
Banneker room (room 2212)* in Stamp and will still start promptly at *7 pm*.
We will be hosting a very special guest speaker, Dr. John K. Lynch (DO, MPH).
Dr. Lynch is board certified in Neurology and Vascular Neurology,
specializing in Alzheimer Disease, Epilepsy, Migraine Disorders, and
Multiple Sclerosis. He is also a staff clinician in the Section on Stroke
Diagnostics and Therapeutics at the National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Strokes (NINDS). Come out with lots of questions and an open
mind! *ALL* are welcome to attend. We will also be briefly discussing the
process of the AMSA Elections that will be held on *Tuesday, April 21st*.  Come
on out to see how you can apply to run for an board position in the
2015-2016 school year!

Immediately following the meeting *(from 8-8:30pm)*, we will be
holding our *Kaplan
Course Auction*. In short, you get to bid for a Kaplan course, including
courses focused on the MCATs, DATs GRE, LSAT, GMAT, etc. However, the
courses will NOT include one-on-one private tutoring or Kaplan’s Summer
Intensive program. Bidding starts at just $200. Come out and buy Kaplan
courses that are worth $1500-2000 for just a couple hundred; it’s a really
great deal! The following link provides more information:

*Please keep in mind that the MCAT course has now been adapted to the new
MCAT 2015, which will be really helpful as guinea pigs for the new test. In
honor of this, a Kaplan instructor will be coming to share a few sample
problems and demonstrate how they would teach them in a Kaplan course.

Hope to see you all there!