Subject: Southeast Asia Global Study Tour - January 2016
Hi CMNS Students-
If you have been thinking about trying to fit in a Study Abroad experience,
consider this one!
Southeast Asia: Global Immersion Experience – Tentative Dates: Departure
date: 1/13/16 -1/24/16 (Ending Date)
This is a winter term course that counts as a GENERAL EDUCATION Diversity
(Understanding Plural Societies) course.
Web link:
For further details/information, please read the attached .pdf document or
contact Dr. Mark Wellman ([log in to unmask] or 301-405-0831)
Mark Wellman
Management & Organization Faculty
Robert H. Smith School of Business
4552 Van Munching Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-1815
301-405-0831 TEL
[log in to unmask]
Contact Person: Mark Wellman
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]