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Hillary Robertson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Feb 2016 17:22:09 -0500
text/plain (38 lines)
Subject: 2016 Summer/Fall Opportunity for Achievement in Research Internship

We are excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the
2016 Summer/Fall Opportunity for Achievement in Research Internship Program.
The program is aimed at engaging, recruiting, and training highly qualified
undergraduate students from underrepresented minority and other disparity
populations, from local universities, into minority health and health
disparities research careers. This opportunity includes a full-time summer
and part-time fall semester experience. Attached is a flyer announcement with
more information.

The Georgetown-Howard Universities Center of Excellence for Health
Disparities (CEHD) and Center for Clinical and Translational Research
(GHUCCTS) are jointly sponsoring the program.

The internship will bring together undergraduate students from diverse
background and interests in the Washington, DC metro area to create a rich
mix of interns from across disciplinary backgrounds with different career
goals. Research interns will participate in multi-disciplinary research
projects of senior investigators who will also serve as mentors and role
models. They will also participate in didactic sessions, video discussion
groups, and grand rounds.

We would greatly appreciate your assistance in encouraging highly promising
and interested undergraduate students to apply and that you widely distribute
the flyer announcement through your information channels. Also, please feel
free to share the information with interested colleagues.

The application deadline is March 7, 2016. The program dates are May 23, 2016
through December 2, 2016.  For more information, and to apply, please visit

Contact Person: Hillary Robertson
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]
Website URL: