UMD Pre-Med Society and AMSA will be hosting a workshop that will challenge students to consider and understand how the experiences refugees have in their journeys affect their health and healthcare needs once they resettle in the United States. It will use interactive discussions and examples of narratives from many different refugee populations to build empathy and encourage students to consider their future patients' personal stories to provide culturally humble care. Our guest speaker will be Pavitra Krishnamani, who has studied refugee populations academically and currently works with them in clinical settings as the Vice President of Refugee Health Partners at Jefferson. She holds her MS in Global Medicine from Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California and is currently an MD Candidate at Thomas Jefferson University.
Event Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Event Start Time: 5:00PM
Event Location: ASY2203
Contact Person: Jennifer Kim
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]