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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Dec 2016 17:17:42 +0000
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Helping our Federal Labs Transition Technologies
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** Congrats to our Fall 2016 Cohort Grads!
Our Fall '16 Cohort came to an end on November 15th. Seven federal labs presented their findings to a packed house at the Booz Allen Innovation Center in downtown Washington, DC.

Participating labs included: ARL, Mitre, NSWC Carderock, NAWCAD, NSWC Corona, NSWC Indian Head and NSWC Dahlgren.

Thanks also to our keynote speakers, Dr. Jag Pamulapati (Director of Laboratories, Research, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering (ASD(R&E)) and Ana Harvey, Director of DC Department of Small and Local Business.

Finally, thanks to our friends at Booz Allen Hamilton ( for hosting the event!

Watch our cohort's highlight video here: (

** Why T2 matters: a whitepaper by Fed Tech's Ben Solomon

Did you know that annual licensing revenue is only 0.1% of total government R&D spending? The U.S. spends $150B/year on R&D, which represents a massive opportunity to create new ventures that can benefit both the government and commercial markets.

Read the whitepaper here. (

** About Fed Tech:

Fed Tech pairs highly qualified entrepreneurs with cutting-edge inventions from the US federal lab system to conduct customer discovery and build business models around emerging technologies. Our program leverages lean startup techniques while also focusing on the unique aspects of turning a federally funded technology into a startup.

Learn about our processhere ( .

Working with 17 labs across the country over the last three years, Fed Tech has taken dozens of technologies through a validation process and been responsible for multiple spin out companies.

Fed Tech bridges the gap between entrepreneurs and federal labs. We identify technologies of promise, validate markets, form startups and pursue licensing agreements and other collaborative tools.

Apply to our Spring '17 Cohort!

Our next Fed Tech cohort will run from March 7th-May 16th, 2017. Participants will be required to make two trips to Washington, DC but the rest of the cohort can be participated in virtually. We are currently seeking entrepreneurs, mentors and federal labs to participate. We’ll hold multiple webinars to talk about the opportunity and all candidates will go through an interview process.

Participation is free but selection is highly competitive. Candidates will be asked to submit a resume and then go through one or more interviews. Candidates do not have to have a business or technical background but must be prepared to quickly learn about a new technology and then rapidly map the potential market. Teams or individuals are invited to apply.

Email Ben Solomon (mailto:[log in to unmask]) for more information.

Thanks to our partners:

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