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Leadership & Community Service-Learning <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 23 Jan 2017 13:21:31 -0600
text/plain (65 lines)
Subject: Spring 2017 Service Programs with TerpService

Please contact: [log in to unmask] with questions or comments!

Terps for Change Volunteers (

Terps for Change is a semester long commitment for students interested in
learning more about social change and social justice while volunteering in
their local community! The program consists of three components--education,
service, and reflection--which are facilitated through weekly service hours
and bi-weekly dialogues. Encourage them apply soon for placement into their
preferred site! To apply, students should log into OrgSync and then follow
this link: ( to
fill out the "Terps for Change Volunteer Application: Spring 2017".

TerpService Days

Indivduals or groups of students are encouraged to register for our
TerpService Day program. TerpService Days are single Saturdays of service in
the local community. The day includes issue education, direct service with
local partners, and reflection. Breakfast, lunch, and any supplies for
volunteers are included! We have limited capacity at each site, so it pays to
register early! To register, students should log into OrgSync and then follow
this link: ( to
select a site and fill out a form.

TerpService Coordinators

Students have the opportunity to combine service with leadership development
by committing to be a TerpService Coordinator. After training, they lead our
volunteers through education, service, and reflection! TerpService has an
opening for a coordinator for our Terps for Change program (a semester-long
program with weekly and bi-weekly components). We currently have two
coordinator openings for the Spring 2017 Semester. To apply, students should
email [log in to unmask]

Services 24/7

Services 24/7 is an online directory for residents of Prince George's County
looking for organizations that provide human services from afterschool
programs, to housing and foreclosure assistance, to veteran services. We
serve two purposes: 1) connecting the citizens of Prince George's County with
the resources they need to enhance their quality of life and 2) connecting
the vast human resource of volunteers in our county to nonprofits in order to
increase their capacity to serve. For information about organizations or to
connect to volunteers please visit:

Information about programs and sites can be found on our website: (

Please remember: **You must be logged into Orgsync to view the applications**

If you have any questions about either of the applications, programs or
positions, please do not hesitate to contact us! [log in to unmask]

University of Maryland Adele H. Stamp Student Union | College Park, MD 20742

Contact Person: Leadership & Community Service-Learning
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]