Subject: REU program in Global Change Ecology Smithsonian
All, below and attached are text describing our recently renewed REU program
in Global Change Ecology. I’m the PI of this program, and many of our
students have gone on to lead labs and do great things, so please mention
this to any students you have that might be interested in working with us.
The REU program at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center focuses on
how aspects of global change, including climate change, biological invasions,
altered biogeochemical cycling, and native biodiversity loss, are altering
the ecological goods and services provided by natural ecosystems. Students in
our program participate in field research, laboratory work, and educational
training in many subfields including ecology, chemistry, microbiology,
genetics, quantitative ecology, historical ecology, and environmental
communication and education. Interns take a series of short courses
describing scientific methods, data analysis, scientific communications,
ethics, and careers, participate in graduate-level discussion groups, attend
seminars by visiting scientists, and take field trips to affiliated research
institutions. At the end of the internship, each intern will present a formal
research seminar describing their project to the SERC science community, and
many will publish their results in peer-reviewed journals. We specifically
encourage applications from students that are traditionally underrepresented
in the sciences. Applications include a short essay, unofficial transcripts,
two letters of reference, and are reviewed by the full scientific staff. More
information about the program is available by visiting, or by
contacting the Internship Coordinator (Dan Gustafson at [log in to unmask]) or
the co-PI (Dr. Alison Cawood at [log in to unmask]).
Deadline is Feb 15.
Contact Person: Dr. John Parker
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]