Subject: Native Korean Speakers Needed for a Korean Language Study
The Lab for the Neurodevelopment of Reading and Language is looking for
Native Korean speakers who have not resided in the U.S. for more than 5
years. Participants will be asked to come in to complete a simple experiment,
which should take no more than one-hour to complete. All participants will be
compensated $10 for their time and be asked to come to the lab, which is
conveniently located on campus in the Benjamin Building.
For more information or to sign up, please contact Kelly Wright at
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한국어 실험 연구에 참여할 한국분들을 모집합니다.
Lab for the Neurodevelopment of Reading and Language 에서, 한국어를
모국어로 사용하는 분들 가운데 미국 거주 경험이
5년이하인 분들을 모집합니다. 실험참여자는 1시간 이내로
소요되는 간단한 행동실험을 하게 되며, 실험 장소는
캠퍼스내의 Benjamin Building 입니다. 실험참여자분께는
수고비로 10불을 드립니다.
보다 궁금한 사항이나 실험 참여를 원하시면 Kelly Wright
([log in to unmask]) 에게 연락주시면 감사하겠습니다.
Event Location: Benjamin Building
Contact Person: Kelly Wright
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]