Subject: Summer school (Oxford): Enterprise and the environment
The summer school is taught by University of Oxford academics and industry
professionals working at the intersection of enterprise and the environment.
You will learn through world class research, debate, discussions, case
studies, presentations, online simulations. You will address issues such as:
How does climate change affect economic stability? How do financial markets
drive long-term environmental decision-making?
Is the 1.5 degree threshold of the Paris climate change agreement possible?
How can we safeguard clean water for everyone?
What is the future of energy markets? What can corporations do to protect
The course will include the following topics:
The environment, financial markets and long term investments; the latest in
climate change science
The economics of climate change and the environment; 'deep dives' into water
and energy
Stranded assets and sustainable finance; connecting environmental science and
Investing for impact and sustainable development; ecosystem markets,
biodiversity and conservation finance
Field trip to Wytham Woods with Earthwatch
More details at the link. Contact [log in to unmask] with any
Contact Person: Katya Solovyeva
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]
Website URL: