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Kristen Hecht <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 12 Mar 2018 12:57:49 -0400
text/plain (35 lines)
Subject: An Invitation to students --- Scholarship $ for Summer Internships

An Invitation to students --- Scholarship $ for Summer Internships

Do you have or want an unpaid or underpaid internship this summer?

The B.A. Rudolph Foundation invites women—especially women of color,
Dreamers, and/or first generation college goers—to apply for this
scholarship opportunity to subsidize your cost of living during an unpaid or
underpaid summer internship.

The Foundation is dedicated to supporting the educational and professional
development of women who might not have the financial or structural support
to otherwise participate in an internship. We provide financial and
professional resources to women with summer internships in public service
(graduate and undergraduate in the Washington, DC area) and STEM internships/
fellowships/ assistantships (undergraduate, nationwide). The goal of the
stipends is to cover living expenses, making it feasible for students to
accept unpaid internships. In addition to financial support, the Foundation
provides each scholar with 1-2 mentors in her field of interest, professional
development workshops, and networking opportunities.

Scholarship applications are due by:
March 28 for graduate public service applicants
April 4 for STEM applicants
April 11 for undergraduate public service applicants

Let us know if we can provide more information, or you can contact the
Foundation's Program Director Kristen Hecht at
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Contact Person: Kristen Hecht
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]