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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Nov 2017 15:55:44 -0500
text/plain (40 lines)
The University of Maryland invites you to join us for the 4th Annual
Lockheed Martin/University of Maryland Innovation Conference on November
8-9th at the UMUC Inn and Conference Center!

This event is a corporate-wide/campus-wide event that has guests and
participants from each business unit from LM and Sr. Leadership, and
Students, Faculty, Researchers, and Staff from UMD under one roof.  Each
discussion that takes place will have a UMD/LM mix to show the natural
synergies amongst each organization.

We ask that you come and support your fellow colleges, colleagues, and
student body!   This is a great opportunity for students, faculty and staff
to network with the various LM business units and Sr. Leadership!   This is
the one time where LM will focus only on the University of Maryland!  For
your convenience, the agenda is attached.

This year we have participation from the UMD's:

Robert H. Smith School of Business
A. James Clark School of Engineering
Computer, Mathematics, and Natural Sciences (CMNS)
School of Public Policy, and more.

We will also have a social hour/exhibit on Day 1 where Lockheed will have a
Desktop F-35 Simulator for the participants "to fly".

I hope you'll be able to join us. If you are interested, please RSVP at

All very best wishes,

Dawn Pulliam
Director, Outreach and Administration
Center for Public Policy and Private Enterprise and
      Lockheed Martin Center for Logistics Collaboration
School of Public Policy
University of Maryland