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Sarah vollaro <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 18 Feb 2020 12:05:40 -0500
text/plain (50 lines)
Subject: Intern for a Day!!

Intern for a Day connects undergraduate students with alumni, parents,
employers and community partners for one day job shadowing experiences.

Intern for a Day is available 3 times in an academic year: during both fall
and spring semesters with hosts located in Maryland, DC, and Virginia and
during students' winter break in New York City.

In order to receive an application to participate in Intern for a Day, you
must attend an informative, 30-minute orientation session that will cover the
application process, how you will be matched with a host, best practices when
shadowing your host on-site, and how to show appreciation to your host after
your experience.

Spring 2020's Mandatory Orientation Options (Attend 1 out of 7 options) -
RSVP today!:
All orientations take place in the University Career Center (3100 Hornbake
Library, South Wing).

Monday, February 24 | 12-12:30pm
Tuesday, February 25 | 12-12:30pm
Wednesday, February 26 | 12-12:30pm
Wednesday, February 26 | 4-4:30pm
Thursday, February 27 | 12-12:30pm
Thursday, February 27 | 4-4:30pm
Friday, February 28 | 10-10:30am

Please Note:
Since orientations are only 30 minutes in length, any students arriving 10
minutes late for an orientatoin will not be permitted in the room.
If there is only one orientation time that works best with your schedule and
RSVP is at capacity, you are still welcome to join us.  If your schedule
allows for you to attend an orientation that is not at capacity, please RSVP
for that session.
Since there are 7 orientation times available, no make-up orientations will
be provided.
The majority of questions about how this program operates will be addressed
during the mandatory orientation session.  Other questions can be asked via
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To find out more click the link!

Contact Person: Erica Ely
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]

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