Subject: College Park Day--Volunteer Opportunity
College Park Day
Saturday, October 6th
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
College Park Aviation Museum
(Across from the College Park metro & UMD Shuttle accessible)
Volunteers are needed in shifts for various tasks and will receive
refreshments as well as a gift item for participating. To sign up, please
contact Sarah D'Alexander at .
9 am-12 noon -- Set Up Crew -- 25 volunteers needed
Set Up Crew: Help set up tables and chairs, direct exhibitor traffic, and
assist with general set up needs.
12 pm -3 pm -- Attractions, Kids areas, and Welcome -- 25 volunteers needed
Attractions, Kids Areas, and Welcome: Help with arts and craft activity
tables, pass out event/program map, conduct event survey, and assist with
line management at attractions such as climbing wall, inflatables, and bounce
3 pm-6 pm -- Attractions, Kids areas, and Welcome -- 25 volunteers needed
Attractions, Kids Areas, and Welcome: Help with arts and craft activity
tables, pass out event/program map, conduct event survey, and assist with
line management at attractions such as climbing wall, inflatables, and bounce
5:30 pm -7 pm -- Strike Crew -- 20 volunteers needed
Strike Crew: Help fold up and stack tables and chairs and assist with
general event clean-up
Event Date: October 6, 2018
Event Start Time: 12:00 pm
Event End Time: 6:00 pm
Event Location: College Park Aviation Museum
Contact Person: Sarah D'Alexander
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]
Contact Phone Number: 301 405 1941
Website URL: