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Joe Lewis <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 9 Dec 2022 13:53:16 -0500
text/plain (37 lines)
Subject: Python API Usability Study

Researchers at the University of Maryland are looking for CS students to
participate in a study on the usability of various Python application
programming interfaces (APIs).  The study is all online and is broken into
two parts.

First, you'll take an initial online survey (~10 mins) that will ask
questions about your programming experience and knowledge generally and
specifically with Python. Your answers to this survey will determine if you
are eligible to complete a longer online 2.5-hour programming study where
participants will be asked to complete a 3 programming tasks using a Python
API. If selected for the programming study, you will be compensated with a
$35 Tango card (a pre-paid credit card). All submissions will be evaluated
for correctness, and a $5 bonus will be awarded for solutions that meet a
high correctness threshold.

You are eligible for this study if you:
(1) Are at least 18 years old
(2) Have Python development experience
(3) Are comfortable completing the study in English.

If you are interested in this study and eligible, please use the following
link to complete the screening survey:

If you have further questions, please contact Kelsey Fulton at
[log in to unmask]

Contact Person: Kelsey Fulton
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]

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