Scholars and Practitioners in reading, Volume 35, Issue 2 of *Reading in a
Foreign Language* is out.
[image: OJ02icon.png]
* <> *
- A Unitary Measure of L2 Silent Reading Fluency Accounting for
Comprehension <>
- Learners’ Reading Metacognition and Summary Writing Skills Nested in
Psychological and Sociocultural Factors
- Establishing an Extensive Reading Program in a Chinese as a Foreign
Language Context <>
- Readings on L2 Reading: Publications in other Venues 2022-2023
*Call for Book Reviews*
- Grabe, W. & Yamashita, J. (2022). Reading in a second language: Moving
from theory to practice (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Kusiak, M. (2013). Reading comprehension in Polish and English:
Evidence from an introspective study. Cracow: Jagiellonian University Press
*RFL “Readings on L2 Reading” Annual Feature Call for Contributors*
Submit a manuscript:
*National Foreign Language Resource Center*
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
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Honolulu, HI 96822
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