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November 2008


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"Butner, R Scott" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Butner, R Scott
Tue, 11 Nov 2008 09:13:57 -0800
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Those of you planning on attending the AIChE Annual Meeting in
Philadelphia are invited to participate in the CAST Division 10(e)
planning meeting, on Monday 11/17 from 6-7 p.m.
The meeting wilil be held in Room 103-B (Street Level) of the
Philadelphia Convention Center
The agenda, such as it is, is provided below.
Scott Butner
CAST 10(e) 2009 Program Coordinator


From: Butner, R Scott 
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 3:04 PM
To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]
Cc: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; Butner, R
Subject: Preliminary Agenda -- CAST Divsion 10(e) planning meeting --
Monday 11/17/08, 6-7 PM EST

CAST 10(e) members (and distinguished guests) -- 

Please see the attached Preliminary agenda for the 10(e) planning
meeting, which will be held from 6-7 p.m. Monday November 17, in Room
103-B (street level) of the Philadelphia Convention Center.

If you have questions about the agenda or anything you'd like to add to
it, please contact me prior to 11/11/2008 (one week from today).

Please note, if you are planning on any sessions for 2009, please come
prepared to provide session titles and contact information for session
chairs (if possible) since we need to get that information into Confex



CAST Division 10(e) Meeting

Monday 11/17/08
6-7 pm  EST
Room 103-B (street level) of the Philadelphia Convention Center


*       Student Video Contest - Eric Maase
*       Fall 2008 Program update - Larry Megan

Program Planning

*       10(e) interaction with CAPE-OPEN conference - Ray Dickinson,
Michael Pons (see Attachment 1)
*       Spring 2009 Program Plans/Session Requests - all
        (please be prepared to provide working titles, and ideally
session chair contact information since we need to have this in the
Confex system by December 1)


*       10(e) collaborations w/ Div 10(c) -  Larry, Scott, Venkat
Venkatasubramanian (?)
*       Anything else for the good of the order

For questions/comments about this proposed agenda, please contact:

Scott Butner
2009 10(e) program coordinator
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA  99354
Voice: (509)-372-4946/Cell: (509)-460-1544
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  


Attachment 1

Background on CAPE-OPEN Discussion w/ CAST Division 10(e)

Submitted by Michel Pons ([log in to unmask]) 
Chief Technology Officer

CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network


The CAPE-OPEN US Conference series now goes back to a number of years
with US EPA and US DOE organizing the first two events and then CO-LaN
making this series a part of the AIChE Annual meetings as a Topical
Conference with the help of 10e. In the meantime a European event of the
same kind has been organized (Feb, March or April of the same year). 


The two events (European and US) have not strictly the same format. The
European edition is a stand-alone conference, organized by CO-LaN. It is
rather well attended (40 to 60 people) coming mostly from Europe but
also some coming from the US and Asia. Side meetings of Special Interest
Groups are organized over the two days the conference is taking place.


In the US, our aim has been, within the AIChE Annual meetings at least,
to organize a Topical on one day, one day and a half. It seems indeed a
one-day Topical conference may be more convenient for people who are not
willing to spend the entire week at the Annual Meeting (which is bad for
the objective of attracting people to the Annual Meeting through a
dedicated Topical Conference). The format given to the Topical at AIChE
has been slightly varying over time in terms of session topics and I
must say that the number of papers collected for the sessions has been
diminishing over years (same in Europe). The conference is capable to
attract each time a few new faces (i.e. organizations) but there is not
a large turn-over in people attending and presenting. For the European
conference, it is considered as a get-together of all the actors in
CAPE-OPEN and seeing mostly "old" faces is considered normal.


CO-LaN is looking for ways to re-boost its conference cycle, in terms of
content and attendance.


An idea that CO-LaN would like to see discussed is the following: making
only one CAPE-OPEN conference each year, either in the US or in Europe.

2009 the conference would take place in the US at the AIChE Annual
meeting while in 2010 there would be no conference in the US, just one
in Europe.

And so on. What is still an open question is the capability for CO-LaN
to bring to a US conference a number of European-based organizations,
especially small software vendors.


CO-LaN would like to get area 10e feedback, building upon the experience
10e has accumulated over the years.