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March 2017


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"Chemical Engineers in Computing and Systems Technology, AIChE" <[log in to unmask]>
Sirish L Shah <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 26 Mar 2017 20:39:28 -0600
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Sirish L Shah <[log in to unmask]>
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*2017 IFAC World Congress workshop on:*

*Process Data Analytics*

*Speakers:*  Tongwen Chen, Biao Huang, Sirish L. Shah, Nina Thornhill and
Jiandong Wang

*For more details and registration visit link at:*

*Time:  Sunday, 9th July 2017; 9:00-17:30 *
Workshop outline

Process data analytic methods rely on the notion of sensor fusion whereby
data from many sensors and alarm tags are combined with process
information, such as physical connectivity of process units, to give a
holistic picture of health of an integrated plant. The fusion of
information from such disparate sources of data is the key step in devising
methodologies for a smart strategy for process data analytics

In the context of the application of analytics in the process industry, the
objective in this workshop is to introduce participants to tools,
techniques and a framework for seamless integration of information from
process and alarm databases complemented with process connectivity
information. The discovery of information from such diverse and complex
data sources can be subsequently used for process and performance
monitoring including alarm rationalization, root cause diagnosis of process
faults, hazard and operability (Hazop) analysis, safe and optimal process
operation. Such multivariate process data analytics involves information
extraction from routine process data, that is typically non-categorical (as
in numerical process data from sensors), plus categorical (or non-numerical
or qualitative and binary) data from Alarm and Event (A&E) logs combined
with process connectivity or topology information that can be inferred from
the data through causality analysis or as obtained from piping and
instrument diagrams of a process. The later refers to the capture of
material flow streams in process units as well information flow-paths in
the process due to control loops.

*Target audience: *The intended audience for this workshop would be
industrial practitioners of control including vendors working in the area
of on-line data logging and archiving, graduate students with interests in
statistical learning and data science and academics.

*Workshop Program*

The following topics will be discussed in this workshop. *Each topic will
be accompanied by one or more industrial case study to convey the
utilitarian value of the learning, discovery and diagnosis from process

·    Overview of the broad analytics area with emphasis on its use in the
process industry.

·    Basic definitions and introduction to supervised and unsupervised
learning: simple regression, classification and clustering.

·    Data visualization methods; examination and analysis of data in a
multivariate framework (in the temporal as well as the spectral domains).

·    Data quality assessment: Outlier detection; filtering and data

·    Elements of statistical inference and learning including

Bayesian methods.

·    Multivariate methods for data analysis: SVD,  PCA, PLS, SVR.

·    Case studies on nearest neighbour methods for multivariate detection
and diagnosis of transient disturbances.

·    Alarm data analysis: Detection and removal of nuisance alarms;
root-cause analysis of alarms and alarm floods.

·    Data-based causality analysis for identification of process topology.

·    Future areas to explore in the use of statistical learning, data
science and analytics for improved process operation.