CAST10 Archives

March 2010


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Sirish Shah <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:09:33 -0600
text/plain (68 lines)
Undergraduate control courses teach theory. Graduate control courses 
teach more theory. Vendors provide training on their products.

Consider the alternative:

Learn the basics of practical control engineering with these unique 
combinations of lectures, simulation and hands-on experimental 
laboratories in a four-day intensive training course with one of the 
world's foremost process control groups.

This is the first call for registration in the following two short courses:


May 18-21, 2010

Process Control Boot Camp-Level 1:   Basic Process Control including 
hands-on laboratory exercises on tuning and monitoring. The main focus 
will be on:

- Tuning for regulatory and setpoint tracking

- Statistical process control

- Process and Performance Monitoring

- Project economics and management


May 25-28, 2010

Process Control Boot Camp-Level 2:   Advanced Process Control with main 
focus on MPC including identification and constrained multivariate 
control. Contents include:

- Fundamentals of univariate and multivariate model-based control

- Process modeling and system identification

- Constrained control and optimization

- Performance monitoring and maintenance


Space is limited. You are encouraged to apply early. Feel free to 
distribute this freely to all interested personnel in your organization.

More detailed information on the course content, course fees, location 
etc. is available at:

Keywords:  Process control short courses; model-based control courses;  
process and performance monitoring;

Sirish L. Shah
NSERC-Matrikon-Suncor-iCORE Senior Industrial Research Chair
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada T6G 2G6
Phone: +1-780-492-5162