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June 2015


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"Chemical Engineers in Computing and Systems Technology, AIChE" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Jun 2015 02:44:26 -0400
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Two Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions are available in the School of 
Chemical Engineering at The University of New South Wales, Sydney, 
Position 1: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
REF.# 10832 
Salary: AUD$83K - AUD$89K per year (plus 9.5% employer superannuation and 
leave loading)
A Postdoctoral Research Fellow position is available for work in the field 
of process control on an Australian Research Council funded project. This 
project aims to develop a new control approach to distributed energy 
storage, utilising one of the most promising flow battery technologies - 
Vanadium Redox batteries. This is the first attempt of a storage centric 
approach that includes (1) an integrated approach to design and control of 
Vanadium flow batteries to achieve optimal charging/discharging conditions 
and (2) a scalable distributed energy storage and power management approach 
incorporating energy pricing for storage dispatch that allows distributed 
autonomous controllers to achieve optimal local techno-economic performance 
and microgrid-wide efficiency and reliability. This is a multidisciplinary 
research project. The successful applicant will be supervised by and 
working with Prof. Jie Bao (Process Control), Prof. Maria Skyllas-Kazacos 
(the inventor of Vanadium Batteries) and Prof. Vassilios Agelidis (Power 
Essential criteria: a PhD in Engineering or Mathematics; good knowledge of 
and research experience with process control and modern control theories 
including model predictive control; strong mathematical modelling skills; 
ability to work independently; excellent oral and written communication 
skills; a solid track record of research publications.

Desirable criteria: Good knowledge of and research experience with: (1) 
flow batteries and electrochemistry; (2) dissipativity control theory, 
distributed model predictive control, and large systems theory; (3) power 
More details and the position description can be found at:
Applicants are required to apply for this position online at the above 
website, addressing the selection criteria found in the position 
This is a full-time fixed term position for 12 months, with potential for a 
further 12 month extension. It is available immediately.
An applicant may be required to undergo pre-employment checks prior to 
appointment to this role.
Enquires may be directed to Professor Jie Bao on telephone +61 (2) 9385 
6755  or email:  [log in to unmask]
Application close: 21st June 2015

Position 2: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
REF.# 10830 
Salary: AUD$83K - AUD$89K per year (plus 9.5% employer superannuation and 
leave loading)
A Postdoctoral Research Fellow position is available for work in the field 
of process control on an Australian Research Council funded project. Based 
on the behavioural approach to systems and dissipativity theory, this 
project aims to integrate nonlinear control theory with distributed 
optimization to develop a novel distributed predictive control approach for 
complex industrial processes. The outcomes will include a framework and the 
fundamental control theory for distributed autonomous model predictive 
control that achieves improved scalability, flexibility and robustness.
Essential criteria: a PhD in Engineering or Mathematics; good knowledge of 
and research experience with modern control theories including  nonlinear 
control  theory; strong mathematical skills; ability to work independently; 
excellent oral and written communication skills; a good track record of 
research publications.
Desirable criteria: good knowledge of and research experience with the 
dissipativity theory, large systems theory, chemical process control and 
More details and the position description can be found at:
Applicants are required to apply for this position online at the above 
website, addressing the selection criteria found in the position 
This is a full-time position fixed term for 12 months, and is available 
An applicant may be required to undergo pre-employment checks prior to 
appointment to this role.
Enquires may be directed to Professor Jie Bao on telephone +61 (2) 9385 
6755  or email:  [log in to unmask]
Application close: 21st June 2015