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April 2012


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"Martha A. Grover" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Martha A. Grover
Mon, 16 Apr 2012 07:16:03 -0400
WebCAST seminar on "Advances in Mathematical Programming Models for
Enterprise-wide Optimization"
by Ignacio Grossmann
Rudolph R. and Florence Dean University Professor
Professor of Chemical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University
Date: April 26, 2012, 2-4 pm (EST)
Dial-in from the comfort of your office to hear the presentation.

Deadline to Register: April 24, 2012 (details at

This is a joint CAST / CACHE initiative. The registration rate is: 
• free for the first 100 CAST members and CACHE departments (including
industrial affiliates) 
• for all others, $25/connection. Joining the CAST Division of AIChE only
costs $10/year.]  


Enterprise-wide optimization (EWO) has become a major goal in the process
industries due to the increasing pressures for remaining competitive in the
global marketplace. EWO involves optimizing the operations of supply,
manufacturing and distribution activities of a company to reduce costs,
inventories and environmental impact, and to maximize profits and
responsiveness. Major operational items include planning, scheduling,
real-time optimization and control. We provide an overview of EWO in terms
of a mathematical programming framework. We first provide a brief overview
of mathematical programming techniques (mixed-integer linear and nonlinear
optimization methods), as well as decomposition methods, stochastic
programming and modeling systems. We then address some of the major issues
involved in the modeling and solution of these problems. Based on the EWO
program at the Center of Advanced Process Decision-making at Carnegie
Mellon, we show the scope of these models by describing several applications
that include optimal refinery planning, simultaneous planning and scheduling
in multisite facilities for continuous multiproduct plants, optimization of
industrial gas distribution systems, design and planning under uncertainty
of offshore oil field infrastructures, and optimization of responsive supply
chain design and planning with demand uncertainty. Finally, we close with a
brief discussion of future directions of research in the EWO area.
Biographical Sketch:

Prof. Ignacio E. Grossmann is the Rudolph R. and Florence Dean University
Professor of Chemical Engineering, and former Department Head at Carnegie
Mellon University. He obtained his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering at
the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, in 1974, and his M.S. and Ph.D.
in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College in 1975 and 1977, respectively.
After working as an R&D engineer at the Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo in
1978, he joined Carnegie Mellon in 1979. He was Director of the Synthesis
Laboratory from the Engineering Design Research Center in 1988-93. He is
director of the "Center for Advanced Process Decision-making" which
comprises a total of 20 petroleum, chemical and engineering companies.
Ignacio Grossmann is a member of the National Academy of Engineering,
Mexican Academy of Engineering, and associate editor of AIChE Journal and
member of editorial board of Computers and Chemical Enginering, Journal of
Global Optimization, Optimization and Engineering, Latin American Applied
Research, and Process Systems Engineering Series. He was Chair of the
Computers and Systems Technology Division of AIChE , and co-chair of the
1989 Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design Conference and 2003
Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations Conference. He is a member
of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Sigma Xi, Institute for
Operations Research and Management Science, and American Chemical Society.