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February 2019


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Thu, 14 Feb 2019 20:13:46 -0500
Nicolas Hudon <[log in to unmask]>
"Chemical Engineers in Computing and Systems Technology, AIChE" <[log in to unmask]>
Nicolas Hudon <[log in to unmask]>
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Second Call for Contribution
The 3rd IFAC Workshop on Thermodynamic Foundation of Mathematical Systems Theory
July 3-5, 2019.
Universite catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Dear Colleagues,

The Organizing Committee has the pleasure to invite you to contribute and participate in the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Thermodynamic Foundation of Mathematical Systems Theory to be held in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, on July 3-5, 2019.

TFMST is the triennial workshop of IFAC gathering researchers and practitioners interested in thermodynamics and systems theory.  The aim of this workshop series is to explore connections between abstract systems theory and physical systems behavior when they are dynamically constrained by conservation laws and exhibit dissipation related to maximization of entropy-like functions. Application domains may include but are not limited to: Energy efficient chemical processes or processes related to the production of smart materials at micro- or nano-scales; Biological phenomena from a cell (biochemical) level through tissue/organism behavior up to the ecological interactions between organisms; Behavior and control of particulate systems; Quantum control; and, Emergence of self-organizing behavior in networks of interacting agents where collective dynamics emerge from the consensus among a large number of ensemble members. Applications would cover fields such as ecology, robotics or socio-economy and more generally Cyber-Physical Systems, and control of large scale networked systems, such as chemical plants, integrating financial systems and sociological systems

Three plenary talks will be presented by:  Massimiliano Esposito (University of Luxembourg); Christian Jallut (Universite Claude--Bernard Lyon 1); and Arjan van der Schaft (University of Groningen). 

For more information, visit:


Submission opening                                                              01 March 2018
Registration opening                                                             01 May 2018
Deadline for submission of draft regular papers              08 March 2019
Authors notification                                                                15 April 2019
Final Paper due                                                                      01 May 2019 (submission subject to registration)
Final Program                                                                         01 May 2019
Workshop TFMST2019                                                         03 to 05 July 2019

Best regards,

Nicolas Hudon, IPC Chair
Hector Ramirez, IPC Co-chair
Denis Dochain, NOC Chair
Jean-Charles Delvenne, NOC Co-chair