CAST10 Archives

August 2007


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Amos Ben-Zvi <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Amos Ben-Zvi <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:27:51 -0600
text/plain (3954 bytes) , text/html (54 kB)
International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial  
Processes        ADCONIP-2008: 4-6 May 2008, Jasper, Alberta, Canada

The International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial  
Processes  (Adconip) will be held on May 4-6, 2008 in Jasper, Canada.  
This symposium has the objective of gathering researchers and  
practitioners from academia and  industry to discuss the state of the  
art in advanced control and their  applications in industry.
The emphasis in this symposium will be on the theory and  
implementation issues and experiences related to the application of  
advanced control methods in industry. The main topics for the meeting  
include, but are not limited to, the following:

§       Adaptive and Learning Systems
§       Sensing and Sensor Fusion
§       Process Control and Automation
§       Signal Processing
§       Identification and Estimation
§       Intelligent Control
§       Health informatics and control applications in the health  
care industry
§       Single and multi-rate techniques
§       Controller performance evaluation
§       Robotic Systems
§       Factory Automation
§       Network-based Control
§       Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Asset maintenance
§       Process optimization
§       Supply chain logistics
§       Integration of process design and plant-wide control

Call for Papers and Special Sessions
The International Program Committee invites you to send an extended  
abstract or summary of your work, that is no more than 2 pages long,  
in 12 pt. font, in English and describes the main contributions of  
the paper. The submission should include: paper title; names and  
affiliations of authors; full address (including e-mail address);  
abstract; 3 to 5 keywords. Proposals for topics of special sessions  
are especially welcome. They should contain the title of the session,  
a list of at least 4 speakers and titles of their papers, together  
with abstracts completed according to the above instructions.

The conference will be held at the world renowned Jasper Park Lodge  
in the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The lodge is nestled in  
between captivating and majestic mountains and enchanting lakes. The  
location is unbeatable. The lodge and mountain surroundings are as  
pristine as can be.  For more information, please visit:  < http://>

Important Dates
15 Nov. 2007 : Proposals for Special Sessions
15 Dec. 2007 : Receipt of Extended Abstract
20 Jan.  2008 : Notification of Acceptance
29 Feb. 2008 : Receipt of Final Manuscript.

Further information is available at:

All inquiries about the symposium may be addressed to the following:
[log in to unmask];
International Program Committee (IPC)

IPC-Chair       H. Su (Zhejiang U., China)

IPC Members

J. Alvarez (MX)

Y. Arkun (TR)

L. Bergh (CL)

H. Budman (CA)

M.A.A.S. Choudhury (BD)

A. Cinar (US)

I. Craig (ZA)

M. Deng (JP)

T. Edgar (US)

F. Gao (HK)

R.B. Gopaluni (CA)

H. Garnier (FR)

M. Guay (CA)

R. Gudi (IN)

T. Hagglund (SE)

J. Hahn(US)

M. Henson (US)

K. Hoo (US)

H. P. Huang (TW)

      E. Jacobsen (SE)

                 M. Jelali (DE)
V.K. Kariwala (SG)

B. Lennox (UK)

J. Lu (US)

S. Masuda (JP)

I. Mizumoto (JP)

H. Ohmori (JP)

S. Park (KR)

S. Patwardhan (IN)

L. Samavedham (SG)

C. Scali (IT)

L.B.. Siong (SG)

M. Tade (AU)

A.K. Tangirala (IN)

N. Thornhill (UK)

J.O. Trierweiler (BR)

L. Wang (AU)

M. Wongsri (TH)

D. Xiao (CN)

T. Yamamoto (JP)

E. Yoon (KR)

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

NOC-Chair:                                                    Sirish  
L. Shah (U of Alberta, CA)

members                                                            A.  
T. Chen

J.F. Forbes

B. Huang

J.M. Lee

B. Srinivasan

Confirmed speakers:

K.J. Astrom      (Sweden)
J. Chu              (China)
B. Cott             (Canada)
B. Francis         (Canada)
Z. Iwai             (Japan)
S. Hara             (Japan)
D.E. Seborg     (USA)
M. Vidyasagar (India)