Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2009)
Inverness Hotel and Conference Center
Denver, Colorado
August 9-12, 2009
The reductionist approaches of molecular and cellular biology have produced
revolutionary advances in our understanding of biological function and
information processing. The difficulty associated with relating molecular
components to their systemic function led to the development of systems
biology, a relatively new field that aims to establish a bridge between
molecular level information and systems level understanding. The novelty of
systems biology lies in the emphasis on analyzing complexity in networked
biological systems using integrative rather than reductionist approaches. By
its very nature, systems biology is a highly interdisciplinary field that
requires the effective integration of scientists and engineers with
different technical backgrounds and the interdisciplinary training of
students to meet the rapidly evolving needs of academia, industry, and
The Third International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in
Engineering (FOSBE 2009) sponsored by the CACHE Corporation will address
emerging challenges and opportunities in systems biology. FOSBE 2009 will
continue the two-year cycle of the FOSBE conference series, with successful
conferences previously held in Santa Barbara, California (August, 2005) and
Stuttgart, Germany (September, 2007). The primary objectives of the FOSBE
2009 conference will be to provide an in-depth review and critical
assessment of the current state-of-the-art, to discuss current and future
needs of research, education and training, and to identify new directions,
opportunities, and challenges in systems biology. We anticipate strong
attendance from academia, industry, and government
Tentative Sessions
* Alternative Fuels
* Circadian Systems
* Drug Development
* Network Modeling and Analysis
* Synthetic Biology
* Systems Biology Education
Committee Members
Michael A. Henson, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of
David de Graaf, Director of Systems Biology, Pfizer, Cambridge, MA
Hiroaki Kitano, Director of Sony Computer Science Laboratories and Director
of ERATO-SORST Kitano Symbiotic Systems Project, Tokyo, Japan
Linda Petzold, Professor of Computer Science and Mechanical & Environmental
Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
Hans Westerhoff, Professor of Systems Biology, The University of Manchester,
United Kingdom and Professor of Microbial Physiology, Free University
Amsterdam, Netherlands
International Program Committee
Frank Allgower, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Ioannis Androulakis, Rutgers University, USA
Maciek Antoniewicz, University of Delaware, USA
Anand Asthagiri, California Institute of Technology, USA
Jeffrey Blanchard, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Eric Bullinger, National University of Ireland, Ireland
Ewart Carson, City University London, UK
Frank Doyle, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Bruce Gomes, Pfizer, USA
Juergen Hahn, Texas A&M University, USA
Vassily Hatzimanikatis, Swiss Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland
Erik Herzog, Washington University, USA
Kyongbum Lee, Tufts University
Xiaoxia Lin, University of Michigan, USA
Wolfgang Marquardt, Aachen University, Germany
Jens Nielsen, Danish Technical University, Denmark
Babatunde Ogunnaike University of Delaware, USA
Robert Parker, University of Pittsburg, USA
Manuel Peitsch, Novartis, Switzerland
Christopher Rao, University of Illinois, USA
Jennifer Reed, University of Wisconsin, USA
Nikolaos Sahinidis, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Eduardo Sontag, Rutgers University, USA
Jörg Stelling, Swiss Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland
Masaru Tomita, Keio University, Japan
Hiroki Ueda, Kyushu University, Japan
Jeffrey Varner, Cornell University, USA
Confirmed Speakers
Adam Arkin, University of California, Berkeley, USA
David Balaban, Amgen, USA
Bill Bentley, University of Maryland, USA
Frank Doyle, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Dan Gillespie, Gillespie Consulting, USA
Albert Goldbeter, University of Brussels, Belgium
Bruce Gomes, Pfizer, USA
Vassily Hatzimanikatis, Swiss Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland
Erik Herzog, Washington University, USA
Ravi Iyengar, Mount Sinai Medical School, USA
Art Lander, University of California, Irvine, USA
Doug Lauffenburger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Jim Liao, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Jens Nielsen, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Erin O'Shea, Harvard University, USA
Erik Schadt, Merck, USA
Deanne Taylor, Brandeis University, USA
Masaru Tomita, Keio University, Japan
Hiroki Ueda, Kyushu University, Japan
Eberhard Voit, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Huimin Zhao, University of Illinois, USA
Call for Contributed Papers
FOSBE 2009 will feature two poster sessions for contributed papers covering
all aspects of systems biology. Contributions focusing on industrial
applications and systems biology education are particularly encouraged. All
contributed papers will be subjected to peer review. Accepted papers will be
included on the conference proceedings CD-ROM. Guidelines for preparation
and submission of contributed papers will be posted on the conference
Registration Fees
$800 Early registration before June 9, 2008
$900 Regular registration after June 9, 2008
$500 Graduate student registration
The conference fees includes one copy of the proceedings CD-ROM and abstract
book, the opening reception, conference banquet, buffet dinners, continental
breakfasts, and refreshments during program breaks and poster sessions.
Updated information about registration is contained on the conference
website: For questions and information, send an email to
Kathryn Jurgensen <mailto:[log in to unmask]> :
Kathryn Jurgensen
FOSBE Conference Manager
2151 Michelson Drive
Suite #239
Irvine, CA 92612-1330
(949) 955-2212 (Pacific)
(949) 955-2236 (fax)
Tentative Deadlines
December 1, 2008: Abstract deadline for contributed papers
January 15 , 2009: Notification of acceptance (contributed authors)
March 15, 2009: Submission of papers (invited and contributed)
May 1, 2009: Review of papers returned
June 1, 2009: Submission of all final papers
Conference Sponsors
AstraZeneca <>
CACHE Corporation <>
Computer and Systems Technology (CAST) Division of AIChE
International Federation of Automatic Control <>
Society for Biological Engineering <>