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October 2010


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"Chemical Engineers in Computing and Systems Technology, AIChE" <[log in to unmask]>
"Davis, Jim" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 29 Oct 2010 09:02:36 -0700
multipart/mixed; boundary="_003_C8F03E3013000jdavisoituclaedu_"
Christina Wong <[log in to unmask]>
"Davis, Jim" <[log in to unmask]>
Dear Colleagues, 

With just over a week till the AICHE meeting, we are sending a reminder
about the workshop on Simulation Based Engineering Science that will be held
on Tuesday November 9th as a Topical Program at the upcoming AICHE national
meeting in Salt Lake City. We hope you can attend.

Through invited speakers from Sandia Livermore National Laboratory,
Aspentech, Ford, DuPont, Honeywell, Eastman Chemical, Savannah River
National Laboratory, the Council on Competitiveness, NSF, Vanderbilt,
Michigan, Texas - Austin, NCSU and UCLA, the Topical Summit will consider
the disruptive implications of SBE&S for science and industry including key
technological and applied capabilities and their impacts, the workforce,
education, national investment and policy and the role of the Institute.

The report, "Vision for Research and Development in Simulation-Based
Engineering Science in the next decade" at <>

provides the background for the workshop. The workshop will be held on
Tuesday November 9th in Salon II (Hilton):

8:30 - 11:00 - The role of simulation and large-database studies in
innovation, shortened product-to-production lifecycles, high-fidelity
prediction, scenario-based planning in operations, real-time business to
operations planning, supply-chain optimization

12:30 - 3:00 - Information technology, simulation, networked information and
data-sharing for Smart Process Manufacturing - operational resiliency,
transition management, EH&S performance, energy and sustainability
performance and economic competitiveness

3:15 - 5:45 -  The implications of SBE&S for science and industry including
key technological and applied capabilities and the impacts on the workforce,
education, national investment, policy and the role of the Institute

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the organizing
committee for additional information. Our email addresses are in the cc
portion of this email.

Organizing Committee
Jim Davis, UCLA - Chair
Peter Cummings, Vanderbilt University
Sharon Glotzer, University of Michigan
Tom Edgar, University of Texas - Austin
Phil Westmoreland, North Carolina State University
Bond Calloway, SRNL