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September 2018


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=?windows-1252?Q?Benoit_Chachuat?= <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
=?windows-1252?Q?Benoit_Chachuat?= <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Sep 2018 06:42:32 -0400
text/plain (90 lines)
Dear colleagues,

***** The submission deadline for DYCOPS-CAB 2019 has been extended to
Monday 24 September 2018 *****

The Organizing Committee has the pleasure to invite you to participate in
the 12th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems,
including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2019) to be held in Florianσpolis, Brazil,
April 23-26, 2019.

DYCOPS is the triennial meeting of IFAC for bringing together specialists
active in academic research and industrial development in the broad field of
process dynamics, control and optimization applied to bio/chemical systems
and biotechnology. The DYCOPS symposia were initiated over 30 years ago
under the name DYCORD (Dynamics and Control of Chemical Reactors,
Distillation Columns and Batch Reactors), while CAB (Computer Applications
in Biotechnology) originates from a series of events that started during the
mid-1970s. The merging of the two events into a single symposium was
successfully implemented in the last DYCOPS-CAB 2016, held in Trondheim,
Norway. It will be maintained in Florianσpolis, Brazil in 2019. This will be
the first time that the DYCOPS symposium is coming to South America!

General areas covered by the DYCOPS symposium will include:
    • Process control
    • Dynamic modelling and simulation for control and operation
    • Interaction between design and control
    • Modeling and identification
    • Batch process modeling and control
    • Process and performance monitoring
    • Fault detection, diagnosis, supervision, and safety
    • Integration between scheduling and control
    • Process optimization
    • Plantwide control
    • Smart manufacturing
    • Model predictive control
    • Scheduling, coordination and optimization
    • Process control education
    • Data mining tools
    • Sensors and soft sensors
    • Process analytical technology (PAT)
    • Microbial technology
    • Metabolic flux modeling and engineering
    • Systems and synthetic biology
    • Industrial biotechnology
    • Biopharmaceutical processes
    • Biocatalysis (enzymatic reactions)
    • Food engineering
    • Wastewater treatment processes
    • Mammalian, insect, and plant cell technology
    • Bioenergy production (bioethanol, algae, anaerobic digestion)

Three plenary talks will be presented and several keynotes will be selected
from paper submissions with high review scores. Pre-symposium workshops,
invited sessions and posters are encouraged as well.

An IFAC Young Author Award will be awarded to authors of a paper for which
the first and presenting author is not older than 30 years of the age on
April 24, 2019.

A Special Issue of the Journal of Process Control (an IFAC official journal)
will be dedicated to include derivative publications of papers presented at
this DYCOPS Symposium.

For more information, visit:


September 24, 2018
  Extended deadline for the submission of:
      • Full draft contributed / invited papers
      • Invited session proposals
      • Pre-symposium workshop proposals

December 14, 2018
  Notification of acceptance

January 18, 2019
  Deadline for the final paper submissions

February 15, 2019
  Final program announcement

Best regards,

Benoit Chachuat & Olivier Bernard, IPC Chairs
Julio Elias Normey-Rico, NOC Chair