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March 2020


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"Georgakis, Christos" <[log in to unmask]>
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Georgakis, Christos
Thu, 12 Mar 2020 21:41:20 +0000
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FIPSE-5: Wait and see

FIPSE-5 and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Dear colleagues,

The Coronavirus epidemic has become a pandemic. Please stay safe and attend to your well-being and that of your loved ones who might need your help.

I am writing to update you of our plans for FIPSE-5. Even though this year we have had a record 35 registrants that early, the coronavirus spread may mean that we will not be able to have the meeting as planned.  The FIPSE Trustees held a conference call yesterday and are planning one for early April and one before the end of April. We wish that the pandemic will subside by the end of April and the conference will go ahead. However, this is not certain.  We are hopeful, but the safety of all members of our community is our primary concern.

If the facts force us to not hold FIPSE-5 this June, our contingency plans are to postpone it for June 2021, with the same technical program and, most likely, in the same resort. In such a case, those registered already can defer their registration to 2021, I preferred option for FIPSE, or request a refund. Procedural details will be communicated in early May

Stay healthy,

Christos Georgakis


The scientific program this year addresses three technical themes, one per day. Two invited plenary presentations start each day, followed by six short presentations, selected from the ones submitted.  See the detailed program below and here<>. Plenty of time is devoted to discussions, the main purpose of the conference.

The conference opens with a welcome reception at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16, 2020. The first banquet will be on Wednesday evening and the Gala dinner on Friday night with traditional music and dances next to the water of the Aegean Sea. On Thursday night the participants will be transported to the City of Heraklion to enjoy a Greek dinner at a restaurant of their preference. For registration prices and what it covers see here<>.

There will be three minibuses offering complementary transportation from the Heraklion airport to the Conference cite (24 Km) on Tuesday at 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00 in the afternoon, linked to the arrival of OA306, OA314, and OA318 from Athens, operated by Aegean<>. (OA implies Olympic Airlines, a subsidiary of Aegean). There will also be a bus departing from the hotel for the airport on Saturday morning, June 20 at 09:00. The alternative way to reach the resort is to hire a taxi for approximately € 50.

There is a preconference cultural tour to the Knossos Archeological<> site and the Heraklion museum<> on Tuesday, June 16. For this you need to arrive at the conference hotel Monday night. See details here<>.

One can stay at the resort, at reduced rates, a few days before or after the conference. This can be selected during registration or added afterwards.

NOTE: This year we anticipate reaching the upper limit of registrants. All, and especially the presenters, are encouraged to register early.

Christos Georgakis

Mission and Structure of the FIPSE Conferences

The Mission: Cooperatively deliberate, write and publish three white papers that define open problems that will impact future research.

Structure of the three Morning FIPSE Sessions: The first half of the morning includes two 45-min presentations. Each presentation defines a few important open research problems that ought to be addressed by the community in the next 5-10 years. The second half entails two parts: (i) four 14-min presentations of open problems, and (ii) extended discussions involving all participants and presenters. Two additional short presentations will be given at the beginning of the afternoon before the afternoon discussion (in groups first, with the results being then shared with all participants). Each short presentation is allowed only 7 slides.

The Conference Program

Day 1: Intelligent Manufacturing

Chaired by Dr. Costas Pantelides (PSEnterprise)

·     Exploiting new data formats and sources in process control and operations
·     Prof. Victor Zavala, (U. of Wisconsin) & Prof. Michael Baldea, (U. of Texas at Austin)
·     Towards Autonomous Operations
·     Dr. Apostolos Georgiou, Senior Engineering Advisor (ExxonMobil) and  Dr. Kiran R. Sheth, Distinguished Engineering Associate (ExxonMobil)
·     The related six short presentations can be found here<>.

Day 2: Machine Learning in PSE

Chaired by Profs. Prodromos Daoutidis (U. of Minnesota) and Jay Lee (KAIST)

·     Machine Learning Challenges and Opportunities for Catalysis and Materials Design
·     Prof. Srinivas Rangarajan, (Lehigh U.)
·     Industrial Perspective of Machine Learning and AI Challenges in PSE
·     Dr. Leo Chiang, Associate Technology Director, Dow
·     The related six short presentations can be found here<>.

Day 3: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Small Molecules

Chaired by Dr. Jason Mustakis (Pfizer Worldwide R&D)

·     Challenges and Opportunities in the Development of Pharmaceutical Processes using New Manufacturing Technologies
·     Dr. Joel M. Hawkins, Sr. Research Fellow, Pfizer Worldwide R&D
·     Digital Development of Drug Products - New Frontiers for Systems Engineering
·     Dr. Salvador García Muñoz, Senior Engineering Advisor, Lilly Research Laboratories
·     The related six short presentations can be found here<>.

Our Warmest Invitation to Participate

The FIPSE Trustees invite you to participate at the FIPSE 5 Conference where all participants are contributing in defining the OPEN research problems the community needs to address in the next 5-10 years. The FIPSE conference series has established itself as the unique venue where unsolved problems and unmet challenges are addressed during the day, while the evenings are filled with ample relaxation, great food and unique seaside scenery under the bright Greek moonlight. In the past, more that 70% of the participants have been accompanied by their spouses or companions. If you have not participated before and need to be convinced about the value of this novel conference series, you can read what past participants have said about their experiences here<>.

FIPSE 5 will take place on June 17-19, 2020 at the Knossos Royal Hotel, a five-star resort of the Aldemar group, on the island of Crete, Greece. The resort is located 23.3 Km east of the Heraklion airport near the city of Hersonissos. This is the location where FIPSE 2 took place. As in previous FIPSE conferences, we look forward to the participation of 50 researchers worldwide, plus many spouses. Arrivals on June 16 and departures on June 20. Extended stays before and after the conference will be possible at reduced prices.

We hope you and, possibly, your better half join us at FIPSE 5. Registration is open. <>


Christos Georgakis


Venue Details

The breathtaking Aldemar Knossos Royal Hotel, a 5-Star Resort in Hersonissos, Crete. It is located 23.3 Km east of the Heraklion airport and can be reached by taxi, rental car or a FIPSE minibus.

First FIPSE-5 Event: Welcome Reception at 7:00 p.m. on June 16.

Learn More:
·     Venue: Aldemar Knossos Royal<>
·     Heraklion: The Town<>
·     Heraklion: The Archeological Museum<>
·     Knossos: The Archeological Cite<>


Conference Format

The FIPSE Mission is to cooperatively deliberate, write and publish three white papers that define the open problems that will impact future research.

Each day of the conference is devoted to a single topic of Process Systems Engineering. The FIPSE trustees select the day topics and the corresponding chairs who further define the topic and select the invited speakers. The invited speakers for each day make two 45-minute morning presentations. These presentations focus 65% of their time defining a few important open research problems that should be addressed by the community in the next 5 to 10 years. In the second half of the morning session, 4 short talks are presented by participants selected from proposals submitted ahead of the conference. These talks are also listed in the final conference program. The morning session concludes with a discussion on what was presented.

In the afternoon session, the participants break into groups to discuss and define in greater detail the open problems of the day's topic. Each of the groups reports back to all participants, and another round of discussions follows with all participants involved. The day organizer(s) and the invited speakers, collect notes of what was discussed to help them draft the corresponding paper. A draft of such a paper is circulated six months later to all participants for their comments and suggested editions before it is submitted for publication. All who contribute substantial edits become co-authors.

These FIPSE publications aim to motivate researchers to help solve the defined challenges or pursue alternative ones.

MARK THE DATES:  June 17-19, 2020
Information about: FIPSE-1<>, FIPSE-2<>, FIPSE-3<>, FIPSE-4<>
Comments from past participants here<>

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