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June 2017


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Mon, 12 Jun 2017 08:25:14 -0400
A PhD scholarship (Scientia Scholarship) in the area of Process Systems 
Engineering/Process Control at School of Chemical Engineering, the 
University of New South Wales is available:

Project title: Distributed Control for Next Generation Smart Flexible 
Process Plants

Supervisory team:
Professor Jie Bao ([log in to unmask]), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW 
Professor Sami Kara, School of Mechanical Engineering, UNSW Engineering 
Dr Stuart Prescott, School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Engineering

Project summary:

Globalization of the world economy has led to increasing dynamics of the 
market demand. The business in the process industry needs to have the 
flexibility to dynamically adjust the volume and specifications of the 
products and deal with diverse sources of raw materials and utilities to 
remain competitive. This project aims to develop a fundamental process 
control framework for flexible production and optimized process economy, a 
key feature of next generation smart plants (as a component of INDUSTRY 
4.0), based on the dissipativity and contraction control theories, chemical 
process design and flexible manufacturing principles. This novel control 
approach will be applied to formulation and production of pharmaceuticals 
for personalized medicine.

Benefits of the Scholarship:

1. Work on high quality research projects with the best supervisory teams 
in world class environments

2. 40K Australian dollars per year stipend (tax free) for four years

3. Tuition fees covered for the full 4 year period

4. Coaching and mentoring will form a critical part of your highly 
personalised leadership development plan

5. Up to 10K Australian dollars each year to build your career and support 
your international research collaborations

The PhD program starts Semester 1 2018 (February 2018). Applicants from 
Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering 
with expertise in control theory and applications are welcome.

If you are interested, please submit an expression of interest to Prof. Jie 
Bao via the following website by 21 July 2017:

More information regarding the UNSW Scientia PhD Scholarship Scheme can be 
found at:

Information regarding the Process Control Research Group at UNSW can be 
found at:

Best regards,

Professor Jie Bao, PhD
Process Control Group
School of Chemical Engineering 
UNSW Sydney
NSW 2052, Australia
Tel: +61 (2) 9385-6755
Fax: +61 (2) 9385-5966
E-mail: [log in to unmask]