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July 2016


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"Chemical Engineers in Computing and Systems Technology, AIChE" <[log in to unmask]>
"Panagiotis_D._Christofides" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 29 Jul 2016 12:11:26 -0400
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"Panagiotis_D._Christofides" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Economic Model Predictive Control: Theory, Formulations and Chemical 
Process Applications

Matthew Ellis, Jinfeng Liu and Panagiotis D. Christofides


Springer, Advances in Industrial Control Series
ISBN 978-3-319-41108-8

Book Description:

This book presents general methods for the design of economic model 
predictive control (EMPC) systems for broad classes of nonlinear systems 
that address key theoretical and practical considerations including 
recursive feasibility, closed-loop stability, closed-loop performance, 
and computational efficiency. Specifically, the book proposes: Lyapunov-
based EMPC methods for nonlinear systems; two-tier EMPC architectures 
that are highly computationally efficient; and EMPC schemes handling 
explicitly uncertainty, time-varying cost functions, time-delays and 
multiple-time-scale dynamics.

The proposed methods employ a variety of tools ranging from nonlinear 
systems analysis, through Lyapunov-based control techniques to nonlinear 
dynamic optimization. The applicability and performance of the proposed 
methods are demonstrated through a number of chemical process examples.
In addition to being mathematically rigorous, these methods accommodate 
key practical issues, for example, direct optimization of process 
economics, and computational efficiency. Numerous comments and remarks 
providing fundamental understanding of the merging of process economics 
and feedback control into a single framework are included. A control 
engineer can easily tailor the many detailed examples of industrial
relevance given within the text to a specific application.

The book presents a rich collection of new research topics and 
references to significant recent work making Economic Model Predictive 
Control an important source of information and inspiration for academics 
and graduate students researching the area and for process engineers 
interested in applying its methods.


Panagiotis D. Christofides
Professor and Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Professor of Electrical Engineering
University of California, Los Angeles
Boelter Hall 5532-F
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1592