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August 2021


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"Prof. Si Zhao QIN" <[log in to unmask]>
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Prof. Si Zhao QIN
Mon, 30 Aug 2021 14:37:16 +0000
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RE: Ph.D. Application with the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme Supervised by Prof. Joe Qin

Dear Colleagues,

We aim to recruit the best and brightest students in the world to pursue PhD studies in Hong Kong with the "Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme".  I am writing to ask for your assistance in recommending outstanding and good research potential candidates to apply for the Scheme through the School of Data Science at City University of Hong Kong<> (CityU). My research areas include data analytics, machine learning, process monitoring, model predictive control, system identification, smart manufacturing, energy efficiency systems, and predictive maintenance. I am currently Chair Professor, Dean of the School of Data Science, and Director of Hong Kong Institute for Data Science at City University of Hong Kong. For more detail please visit In my prior career I worked as the Fluor Professor at the Viterbi School of Engineering of the University of Southern California and as endowed Professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

The Fellowship awarded by RGC provides a monthly stipend of HK$26,900 (approximately US$3,449) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,500 (approximately US$1,731) per year for the awardees for a maximum period of three years.

CityU will provide a monthly studentship at the same level as the Fellowship awarded by RGC for their fourth year of study.  In addition, Fellowship recipients at CityU will be awarded the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarship which covers students' tuition and on-campus hostel accommodation fees in their first year of research studies.

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme will invite applications for 2022 entry from 1 September - 1 December 2021 (12.00.00 GMT +8 hours). The key milestones and application procedures are as follows:

Step 1:

Applicants should first submit an initial application at RGC's Online Application System (OAS) (<>) to obtain a RGC reference number (RGC's deadline: 1 December 2021 [12.00.00 GMT +8 hours]).

Step 2:

Applicants are then required to submit full application, together with supporting documents, to CityU's Online Admission System<>, and quote the RGC reference number (CityU's deadline: 1 December 2021).

Announcement of Fellowship results by the RGC: March/April 2022.

Firm admission offer with regular postgraduate studentship will be given to selected CityU's nominees, even if they are not awarded the Fellowship by RGC. The admission offer will be confirmed by the University in January 2022.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best regards,

Joe Qin, Chair Professor
Fellow of NAI, IFAC, AIChE, and IEEE
Dean, School of Data Science
Director, Hong Kong Institute for Data Science
Director, Centre for Systems Informatics Engineering
City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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