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February 2023


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Tue, 31 Jan 2023 06:09:05 -0500
Tom Adams <[log in to unmask]>
"Chemical Engineers in Computing and Systems Technology, AIChE" <[log in to unmask]>
Tom Adams <[log in to unmask]>
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Prof. Thomas A. Adams II in the Process and Power Program, Department of Energy and Process Engineering (EPT) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is seeking a PhD Candidate in Sustainable Energy Process Systems. One of the key goals is to identify the most promising technologies for implementation as part of a new Trans-Atlantic Energy Bridge to provide new sources of clean and reliable energy to Europe, and subsequently make recommendations to governments for development based on critical analysis and data. 

The research will require the use of eco-technoeconomic analysis (eTEA) methodologies to evaluate candidate energy production, conversion, storage, and transportation processes and systems to quantify their potential economic, environmental, or sociopolitical value of various technologies in comparison to alternative solutions. Key research elements will include the conceptual design, synthesis, and simulation of candidate commercial scale production and/or storage processes currently at technology readiness level 6 or lower; bottom-up economic analyses to estimate costs as a function of geography and markets; dynamic life cycle assessment (LCA) of commercial supply chain implementation; optimal design under uncertainty techniques, and big-picture assessments made within the context of the triple bottom line of sustainability. The development and application of applicable standards, especially concerning comparative eTEAs, will also play an important role.

Since the scope of the Trans-Atlantic Energy Bridge is broad, the candidate will be expected to narrow their focus to the most promising technologies and suggest innovative new solutions using chemical engineering approaches.

It is also an exciting opportunity to work with an elite team of researchers who are tackling the most relevant and urgent problems in sustainable energy systems. The EPT department contains a diverse range of expertise in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, energy systems engineering, process engineering, industrial ecology, industrial economics, life cycle assessment, and other specialties. We are looking for someone to join our team and contribute their expertise to high-impact research that has the potential to change our world for the better.

To see how this position fits into the research objectives of Prof. Adams’ program, read the article at

To apply and for the full posting, find the position on at this link (Job ID 239536):

Two postdoc positions are also posted in the department in Liquid Hydrogen as well as Blue Hydrogen. See for more.