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November 2018


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John Hedengren <[log in to unmask]>
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John Hedengren <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Nov 2018 18:56:34 +0000
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The Dynamic Optimization online course starts January 8, 2019 (Tuesday). The course covers topics in creating digital twin modeling, machine learning, estimation, advanced control, and optimization. Code examples are in MATLAB/Simulink and Python.​ The course is divided into 3 sections that are each 3 weeks:

1. Digital Twin Modeling 
2. Estimation and Machine Learning 
3. Control and Optimization 

The last part of the class (4 weeks) is for students to work in groups on a project that is in-line with an individual's industrial or academic research interests. There is no fee to join the course that is hosted on Google Classroom with pre-recorded lecture content. Interactive help sessions are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays on WebEx video conferencing. Lecture material is available from the course website as well as a registration link.

Course web-site:

Students who complete the course will receive a Certificate of Completion. One university external to BYU is offering the course for credit for students who register for a specially created graduate course number at that university. I'd be glad to offer this for other universities as well if a faculty member would like to help arrange this. Industrial participants are also welcome to join.

Best regards,

John Hedengren
Associate Professor
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602