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October 2007


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Dimitris Kalamatianos <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Dimitris Kalamatianos <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 25 Oct 2007 15:02:30 +0100
text/plain (50 lines)
PhD Positions: Mathematical Modeling and Analysis

Applications are invited for two PhD positions in the Systems Biology
Group of the Hamilton Institute at the National University of Ireland,
Maynooth.  The vacancies are in the area of mathematical modeling and
model analysis.

The advertised positions are part of a Higher Education Authority
investment for a National Biophotonics Imaging Platform (NBIP) for
Ireland. NBIP is the largest European network in Biological Imaging
and its mission is to provide an integrated national infrastructure in
research, education, technology development and industry collaboration
for Biophotonics and Imaging. The Systems Biology Group at the
Hamilton Institute will coordinate the Image to Mathematical Model
Transition (IMMT) facility of the NBIP.

The vacancies will be focussed on (but not limited to) the following
application areas:

(1) Apoptotic signalling through Bcl-2 family members: From advances
in single cell imaging to new systems approaches. This research will
deliver new insights into the temporal and spatial dynamics of Bcl-2
family protein activation and interaction at the single cell and
single molecule level.

(2) Visualization and image analysis of neural injury, plasticity and
repair. This research will investigate which changes contribute to
long-term plasticity and repair during chronic pain and

The candidate should hold a BSc. in Engineering/Mathematics or a
related field, and have a sound scientific record in the area of
mathematical modeling and model analysis. Good communication,
interpersonal and presentation skills are required. Some background in
biology or biochemistry is highly desirable. Proficiency in both
written and spoken English is required.

The positions are available for a four-year period with an annual
stipend of 19,000 Euros.

For further information on the Hamilton Institute, please refer to: and Additional information
about the posts can be obtained from Dimitris Kalamatianos
([log in to unmask]).

To apply, candidates should submit a detailed CV, including a list of
publications (if available), motivation letter, scientific interests,
as well as the names and addresses of two referees for letters of
recommendation to: [log in to unmask]