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July 2020


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Metin Türkay <[log in to unmask]>
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Metin Türkay <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Jul 2020 10:48:54 +0300
text/plain (2433 bytes) , text/html (11 kB) , ESCAPE-31_CfP.pdf (1 MB)
*European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE-31*

*June 6-9, 2021, Istanbul, Turkey*

* <> <>*

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 31st International Symposium on
Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-31) in Istanbul on June 6–9,
2021. The purpose of the meeting is to bring together the community of
researchers and practitioners in the area of computer-aided process systems
engineering from academia and industry. ESCAPE-31 will focus on the
following main themes:

Theme 1: Process-product synthesis, design and integration

Theme 2. Methods, models and computational tools for PSE

Theme 3. Process control and operations

Theme 4. CAPE/PSE in energy/water/food nexus and sustainability

Theme 5. Process operations and supply chains

Theme 6. PSE in biological systems and processes

Theme 7. Education in CAPE/PSE & knowledge transfer

Accepted papers will be published in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering by

The ESCAPE series follows a two-stage evaluation process: the first stage
requires abstracts that are limited to a maximum of 3,000 characters
including spaces, numbers and punctuation marks, the second stage requires
6-page papers that will be published in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
by Elsevier after acceptance of the paper.  The ESCAPE-31 website ( includes abstract and paper submission templates in
MS Word and LaTeX.

All papers will be reviewed by the Programming Committee and a very limited
number of papers will be moved from regular submission to keynote paper.  Work
presented at the conference will be published (following usual ESCAPE
policies) in a new volume of Computer Aided Chemical Engineering book
series from Elsevier. Extended papers will be published in a special issue
of Computers and Chemical Engineering,

*Important Dates*

Deadline for abstract submission: *Sep 7, 2020*

Notification of abstract acceptance: *Oct 12, 2020*

Deadline for paper submission: *Nov 16, 2020*

Notification of paper acceptance: *Jan 15, 2021*

Deadline for revised paper submission: *Feb 15, 2021*

Submission of copyright transfer agreement: *Feb 15, 2021*

Looking forward to seeing you in Istanbul.

The ESCAPE-31 Organizing Committee

Metin Turkay
Professor of Industrial Engineering, Koc University
Rumelifeneri Yolu, Sariyer 34450 Istanbul
Tel:+90-212-338-1586; Fax: +90-212-338-1548;